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Los Angeles, CA WeatherBefore you decide to move to Los Angeles, it might be helpful to compare the weather to other cities in order to help get a better sense of what temperature ranges, precipitation, and other effects you can expect to experience while living in Los Angeles. What the Weather is Like in Los AngelesThe temperature in Los Angeles usually ranges from 48° F to 83° F. In the winter, the temperature will sometimes drop down to 43° F or lower, and can climb to more than 91° F in the summer. Each year there is an average of 186 sunny days and 106 days where the sun is out at least part of the day. This means there is an average of 292 days with at least some sun throughout the year in Los Angeles. It rains or snows an average of 36 days each year. Annual Weather Statistics for Los Angeles
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Current Los Angeles 7-Day ForecastWhat people are saying about the weather in Los Angeles:
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