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About Cheyenne, WY

Thinking about making the move to Cheyenne? There's a lot to consider. What's the weather like in Cheyenne? What things are Cheyenne most known for and how does that match with your interests? How much is the cost of living? What's the culture like? We've compiled all of this information for you in order to give you a sense of what life is like in Cheyenne year round, and also made it easy for you to compare against other cities that you might be considering.

About Cheyenne - "The Magic City of the Plains"

When you think of Cheyenne, Wyoming, the Wild Wild West might come to mind. Cowboys, rodeos, trains, and open fields. That's not too far from the truth. However, there is more to the city than the past.

Wyoming is known for being a windswept state, and is frequently referred to as the Cowboy State. While the Rocky Mountains run through much of the state, rolling prairies are also common. Cheyenne is the capital of Wyoming and is situated on Cow Creek and Dry Creek. It's also the largest city in the entire state, being home to roughly 60,000 people.

Wyoming may be sparsely populated with people, but there's a ton of wildlife. You don't have to traverse the whole state to see it, either. The Cheyenne Botanic Gardens include a lot of what one would expect. In terms of nature, you can see a xeriscape, rose and flower gardens, a cactus garden, and a rock garden as well. In terms of history, you can see events and technologies from across the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Among other sights, you can check out old steam locomotives and antique tractors as well. But the garden isn't just for visitors. Local volunteers grow their own food in the garden, and the surplus produce goes to senior citizens.

The federal government owns a bit more than 42 percent of the land in Wyoming. Much of the land is made open for the public, however. National parks, public forests, wildlife refuges, monuments, and various other lands are public. Much of it is managed by the Bureau of Land Management.

Given how much land the federal government owns, it should come as no surprise that government is the largest sector of Cheyenne's economy. However, while the federal government and military are a big part of the economy, so too is the local state government. Since Cheyenne is the capital of Wyoming, the state government is situated in many of the office buildings around the city.

Besides the state government of Wyoming and the federal government, the Air Force has a big presence. The Warren Air Force Base is situated just west of Cheyenne, and is one of three strategic missile bases in the United States. The Wyoming National Guard also has a large presence in and around town.

Cheyenne may be the biggest city in the state, but Wyoming is Wyoming. That means that world class climbing, camping, and mountain biking are all available right in and around the town. During the summer you can head to Depot Plaza. There, you will find a ton of concerts, a Farmer's Market, special events like pancake breakfasts, and various other amenities.

Believe it or not, Cheyenne even has its own beaches. Located on the shores of Sloans Lake, you can head to the beach for a casual stroll, bike riding, fishing, swimming, or canoeing and paddle boating.

Photos of Cheyenne:

Cheyenne, WY
Cheyenne, WY
City Lights
City Lights
City Center
City Center

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